Luke Clerkin Interview

Ahead of his new single 'Stones' we interviewed Luke about his experience in the music industry and with the current situation we find ourselves in due to COVID-19. Below was his response;

Tell us who you are?

Luke Clerkin 

What inspired you to play music? 

Music was always playing around me when I was growing up. Then my dad bought me a second hand guitar from a sister's friend, and the rest is history.

Can you remember the first time you wrote a song and what was it about? 

I wrote my first song when I was 10/11, and it was about a girl I fancied. 

What is the first CD/Vinyl you ever bought? 

American Idiot by Green Day. 

Do you have any other hidden talents outside of music? 

I'm getting quite good at doing PR stuff, which is also very important for everything I'm doing at the moment. 

What was the first song you learned on an instrument, if you play one?

Hmmm possibly Leaving on a Jetplane. 

What is your favourite song to perform? 

My own song 'Stones'. 

What was your craziest experience on tour? 

Playing on a balcony overlooking a skatepark in the middle of Hamburg. I brought the audience outside to sing with me. 

If you could invite 5 musicians dead or alive to dinner, who would they be? 

Jeff Buckley, John Lennon, Scott Hutchison, Bob Martley, Jim Morrison. 

Has your music evolved since you started making music? 

Yes, especially with my upcoming releases. I've established a sound now more than ever. 

Do you have a record label and are you a member of any music organisations? 

Totally independent. 

If you could change anything about the music industry what would it be? 

More income from Spotify, and just more money for original musicians. 

Have you been to any concerts within the last year that have inspired you? 

David Keenan at Electric Picnic was special. I'd played with him a few years before in a small pub, so to see him play main stage was very inspiring. 

How do you handle mistakes during a performance? 

I just laugh them off, people don't really notice. 

Who is your favourite Irish artist at the moment? 

David Keenan

If you could have your fans remember one thing about you, what would it be? 

My honesty 

How are you dealing with the current impact of COVID19 as a musician? 

Just trying to keep myself as busy as possible. Songwriting, live streams, releasing music, and just keeping in contact with people. 

What is your go to feel-good song to distract yourself from hard times? 

Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club

Can we expect any new music from you soon? (If you have just released new music tell us a bit about that). 

Yessss!!! Next Friday I finally release Stones. Verryyyy excited!! 

Is there any advice or insights you would like to give to anyone reading this who would either like to pursue a career as a musician or within the music industry? 

Never be afraid to fail, I've learned so much from when things didn't go to plan, and it added to future success. 

Stones will be released on the 17th of April and can be presaved from the link below. We highly recommend checking it out and giving it a listen when it's out!

MusicBox PR Team 


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